Monday, August 31, 2020

Turning towards autumn

It’s been a while since my last blog post. The summer’s pretty much over here in Finland. The trees have picked a touch of color and the nights have grown dark, with the sea of shining stars, spreading across the midnight sky.  

I have also a new puppy called Wuffe who’s been stealing most of my time.

He loves to play with his big brother Sisu and has by far responded well to training. 


After Wuffe arrived I have had but little time to work on my next Ter Dregos book, but I’m getting towards the end of it, slowly and steadily. Currently I am about 840 pages in, with 9-11 more chapters to go.

I have worked on other writing projects as well, something I’m not yet comfortable talking about in greater detail, except for loudly whispering “It has super heroes in it!” and “The other one is erotica.”

COVID19 has started its second wave here in Finland, so it will only be the matter of time since the next isolation begins. Therefore (and thanks to the e-book pirates I ranted about earlier) I will be giving both of my e-book for free for a period, starting 1st of September.

In return, I would love to see a honest review on Amazon or Goodreads. Preferably on Amazon, since that’s where the sales happen.

I hope many of you will use this opportunity to get a legal free book and even tell your friends about the offer. Downloading a free book helps me as well, since it boosts the visibility of the series. Perhaps with luck, it will even encourage the readers to seek out the next volume of the series, once finished, and reduce some of the damage the e-book pirates did on my aspiring writing career.

I wish you all to stay safe out there and I hope you are able to enjoy the last days of summer before autumn fully takes over.

With caring and love,


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