Friday, November 8, 2019


Since this is a blog about writing and other stuff, let us talk about writing for a change. 

People have always asked questions about how do those stories get on paper: Stories about different realms, universes and galaxies? Stories about strange creatures, ordinary people with peculiar lives or dark entities that haunt the protagonists till brim of madness? How do they get there?

Of course, besides imagination, the stories take work and many steps before reaching the eyes of readers, but under all those layers hides the basic essence of every story. The need. 

But what is the need, exactly?

 To me, the need to write is something very special. A feeling of ticklish nervousness. Of anticipation. Something that makes me breathe a little faster while my eyes light up with a scene that just has to come out. And the need grows stronger, more urgent, till I place my fingers on the keyboard and start typing.

Does the need create entire novels then?

No. Not necessarily. Sometimes the need is a very small one, merely a thought that allows me to create a story of two pages. Sometimes it is a new character, walking before my eyes from that tunnel to be gazed upon. To be introduced to the world and characters who already are a part of some story. Sometimes it’s a plot twist, so important and surprising it makes me giddy to write it down, to make it happen. 

The need is not always there. Sometimes it disappears and is gone for weeks. With luck, by that time, the need has been replaced by my own curiosity that allows me to continue, to see where the story is going. 

Now, I am a firm believer that need is the thing that makes us start our stories, but the curiosity is what makes us finish them. What do you say?

Do you have the need?